Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Extreme Primitive Elf and Cat
Old Soot measures 15 1/4 inches high and is 6 inches across. His face is needlesculpted,he has old buttons for eyes sewn on. GruNgy string for his moustache sewn on. His hat and dress are made of onasburg,also painted,sanded,stained and baked. He has sticks for arms,glued and sewn on. His belt is another piece of grungy string knotted around his waist with a grungy chenille candy cane and a bit of sweet annie tucked in. A huge rusty bell is attached to his arm, there is also a rusty bell sewn to his hat. There is a grungy little key tag stamped with Old Soot on case you should forget. Sticks is sewn to 2 old mismatched spools. Her face is needle sculpted as well in a very prim manner. She sports grungy whiskers of string also. On her back is a soft little saddle to carry that burden of sticks,made of grungy batting (which has red stitched all around with red crochet thread). There is a bit of ming with red berries to cushion the sticks and a rusty bell is tied securely on. All this has been sewn to Sticks. Sticks is 9 inches long, and 7 inches high,not including her antlers!
I just loved this one so much..that I purchased the pattern..can't wait to make these.;)